Mom + Chef + Designer

meet mandy

Hi, I’m Mandy! 

A little bit about me....

I was born and raised in Calgary, AB Canada but currently live in the Washington, DC area with my husband, Karl and our 3 kids, Stella, Anson, and Bennet.

Karl and I have been together since we were teenagers, and I truly couldn’t imagine sharing this journey with anyone else! He played professional hockey for over a decade, which was a fun and unique experience to say the least! But, now that he's retired, we are taking some time to figure out what this next chapter of our life has in store.

I used to think I was flaky for having so many different passions but never pursuing any of them wholeheartedly...that is until I heard this Robert Greene quote, “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” BASK is my little corner of the internet where I can share all the things that I'm passionate about and that bring me joy. I hope it becomes a place where people with similar interests can come to find inspiration!

Cooking has always been my greatest passion.

I could happily spend all day, everyday in the kitchen! Ever since I was little I dreamed of a career that involved sharing my love of cooking and food with those around me.

My food journey took an interesting turn in 2019, when my family and I transitioned to a primarily plant-based diet. I had been a vegetarian on and off for many years, but when my husband began to struggle with digestive issues we made the jump to fully plant-based and haven't looked back. 

The switch to plant-based cooking sparked a new level of creativity and excitement for food that I just couldn’t get enough of! In 2021 I decided it was time to finally pursue my lifelong love of cooking and attend a culinary program to become a chef! After culinary school, I started a meal prep and delivery company that specializes in plant-based, pre-made meals called BASK Plant-Based Kitchen. 

I also have a serious passion for interior design...

...DIY, renovations and all things home!

My dad is a contractor, so I was raised with the idea that building things yourself is easy! HOWEVER, I’ve come to learn that isn’t always the case, and maybe my Dad just made it look easy.

That being said, it hasn’t stopped me from thinking up endless projects to tackle and the notion I can do them all by myself. I have learned a lot along the way and have a wealth of knowledge to share, from small DIY projects all the way up to building a custom home…we’ve done it all!

I'm excited you're here and can't wait to share my plant-based recipes, DIY tips, and home design projects over on the blog.


my favorite things

A Peek Behind the Scenes

BASK is a place to share all the things I love most about life. Here's a sneak peak of some of those favorite experiences that I want to share with you!

eating the rainbow


special moments


my happy place


Trying to think of a name for my company was hard! I was trying to find a way to encompass everything I’m passionate about - food, home, design, family, travel- into one name,….it felt impossible and I kept getting discouraged.

Someone suggested I just try and make the name special to me, without worrying about the images it evoked for my customers when they heard it. As long as the name resonated with me, that’s all that really mattered! So I thought about the things in my life that are most important to me - my kids and my husband.

And while this brand is an opportunity for me to branch out beyond being a wife and mom, they are the center of my life and my whole heart, so it made perfect sense to incorporate them into the name.

The story behind the name


I played around with making a 4 letter word using all their initials, and the only word that exists is BASK.

It's also a happy coincidence that the definition of bask is to revel in or to enjoy…which is the exact reason I’m here! To share the things that I love and that bring me joy.

Bask can also mean to lie in or relax in a pleasant warmth or atmosphere. Which is also a perfect fit... After spending a good chunk of my life supporting Karl, making his hockey dreams my own, I’m finally ready to lean into my passions and BASK in my own light.

I hope through my blog, you'll find an uplifting space to soak up ideas and bask in inspiration that fills your cup too!



The story behind the name





These are some of my favorite topics you'll find on the blog. Choose a topic that you want to know more about and check out my best articles on all things Food, Home and Family.


Bask on the