I love beans! Especially these super easy and versatile Mexican-spiced black beans. But beans get a really bad rap. I have lost count of the number of times I’ve been told “I’d love to eat less meat, but I just can’t eat beans. They make me so bloated!” If that’s something you’ve said in the […]
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You know the motto for Franks Red Hot?…”I put that shit on everything!”. Well, the same can be said for these pickled red onions. They are the perfect balance of sweet and sour, and their vibrant color instantly elevates your dish to gourmet status. Raw red onions are intense and pungent and often leave your […]
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The fact that our family is plant-based is often met with shock by other parents, especially when it comes to the kids and what they eat. I get asked a lot of questions like…what do I feed my kids, how do I know they are getting enough protein, and do I give them a multi-vitamin. […]
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Am I the only one who feels compelled to buy a bunch of bananas every time I’m at the grocery store?? It doesn’t really matter how many bananas are already sitting on the counter at home…I’m grabbing another bunch. Which means I often have a stock pile of speckled brown bananas – perfect to use […]
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